Causation in Clinical Negligence – and why it is a complicated part of the law.
Causation is a fundamental legal principle in clinical negligence claims. It refers to the need to prove that the healthcare...
Causation is a fundamental legal principle in clinical negligence claims. It refers to the need to prove that the healthcare...
We recently secured justice for a client who experienced significant suffering after a negligent hip replacement surgery.
Record numbers of NHS cancer patients are claiming compensation for misdiagnosis and late diagnosis. Payouts have soared to £35.9...
Medical negligence claims against NHS maternity wards have reached record levels. Read the latest blog post from birth injury...
How to claim compensation (No Win No Fee) for misdiagnosis or late diagnosis of cancer. What it means for you and your family....
Errors in cervical screening smear tests can be fatal or life-changing. Delayed diagnosis reduces the chances of surviving cancer....
Find out here how long it takes to get paid clinical negligence compensation. Learn how we can help you get your money faster with...
Not all clinical negligence solicitors are the same. Read how Coles Miller can help you to keep more of your compensation from a...
Thousands of hospital appointments have been cancelled due to NHS strikes. Has this made you medical condition worse? Find out if...
Yes, you can still claim compensation for medical negligence, even if you signed a form. Find out why. Learn how you can claim....
The aim of medical negligence litigation is not to punish the NHS or the individual doctors concerned. It is to help the victim...
Medical negligence compensation claims are complex personal injury cases but the health authority at fault can accept liability...
Do you think you have suffered as a result of Medical Negligence? Read on to find out if you could have a case.
Cauda Equina, if you are able to prove that you were a victim of misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, you may be entitled to make a...
If you've suffered from a cauda equina syndrome misdiagnosis and are thinking of making a claim, read on to find out if you can.
Informed consent can only be given when you are given full knowledge of the possible consequences, risks and benefits of a medical...
Did you suffer because your appendicitis was not diagnosed quickly enough? Did your appendix rupture causing peritonitis? You may...