Possession Orders as CCJs
Will the new Rental Reforms Bill mean Landlords are given more freedom to identify good, trustworthy tenants?
Will the new Rental Reforms Bill mean Landlords are given more freedom to identify good, trustworthy tenants?
The government has announced a New Fair Payment Code and promised stronger enforcement. But we doubt that will happen. Find out...
Planned new hardship tests would make it tougher for landlords to evict poorer tenants. Landlords could also be forced to improve...
Abolition of Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions is going through Parliament. Learn what that means for you – and why you should act...
The Renters (Reform) Bill is sending shockwaves through the private rented sector, hitting landlords and tenants alike. Learn how...
Tenants who switch off heating to save money are causing mould problems in rented property, leading to potentially serious health...
How private landlords can tackle rising rent arrears as the cost of living crisis cuts into household budgets. Read Coles Miller's...
Tighten up your debt recovery and credit control practices now in case your debtors become insolvent. Get paid promptly. Find out...
Section 21 notices are set to end under the Renters Reform Bill, stopping 'no fault' evictions. Learn what it could mean for you...
Landlords face yet more new rules to stop them from evicting tenants quickly. Extended legal notice period for Section 8 and 21...