Prior to joining Coles Miller Lucy studied at the University of Reading and when she graduated, took up a position as a Paralegal at a large firm in Bournemouth. Lucy then worked in the Probate department at a small firm in Salisbury before moving on to another large firm in Lymington where she began working with Trusts. Lucy then moved to Dorset and took up her position at Coles Miller in the Probate department at our Fleetsbridge office.
Lucy specialises in Trust work and prides herself in her ability to work through the complicated language and rules that can surround trusts in order to advise her clients on the best way forward. Lucy is also able to register Trusts onto H M Revenue and Custom’s Trust Registration Service and can help to support clients through this process.
When Lucy is not in the office, she enjoys spending time with her partner and going for walks at the local beaches and forests. She also enjoys going to live events to see musicals, comedians and concerts.