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Criminal Injury

Criminal injury is extremely distressing to endure.

From violent attacks to sexual abuse, the physical and mental affects can be devastating to victims and their loved ones.

At first, moving on may seem impossible. It feels as if you will always live with that traumatic experience, even after the physical injuries heal. It may be difficult for you to imagine how that could ever change. But with access to the right resources, you could begin to rebuild your life and see hope in your future. Compensation can make access to these resources far easier.

Starting a compensation claim may feel very hard but we are here to support you and make the process as simple as possible. Our experienced solicitors will sensitively work with you to help you gain the compensation you deserve, so you can move forward and enjoy life again.


How Do I Make A Claim For Criminal Injury?

We generally process these claims through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme. This is a government body that operates a compensation scheme for the victims of violent crime in England, Scotland and Wales.

The scheme was set up to help those who are victims of criminal violence, be it physically or mentally. However, it can be a difficult process for victims to navigate.

By asking us to process the claim on your behalf, we can mitigate the stress involved and also increase your chances of success. If we are working on your claim, you are highly likely to be awarded the maximum sum you are entitled to.

Get the Help You Need and Deserve

What Type Of Injuries Can I Claim For?

CICA classifies claims based on the type and severity of the injury you've suffered.

Part A of the tariff covers injuries such as:

  • burns
  • paralysis
  • mental injury
  • sensory nerve damage
  • motor nerve damage
  • head and neck injuries
  • injuries to the torso or limbs.

Part B covers different conditions often related to abuse, including:

  • physical abuse in adults
  • sexual abuse
  • child abuse.

You can also claim for infections as a result of sexual abuse.

You can’t always claim for property damage, private medical fees, or loss of earnings through CICA, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t entitled to these damages. Talk to us and we will see if the claim can be pursued by other means.

How Much Is My Criminal Injury Claim Worth?

Claims of this nature have individual circumstances; this is reflected in the compensation awarded.

Compensation for injuries covered by part A usually range from £1,000 to £250,000; but Coles Miller solicitors have been able to secure as much as £500,000 for victims of criminal injury.

For part B, claims awarded are usually between £1,000 and £44,000

Am I Eligible To Make A Criminal Injury Claim?

If you were injured – either physically or mentally – as a result of criminal activity, you could be entitled to compensation. But direct victims aren’t the only people who can claim.

You can also make a claim if:

  • a close relative died
  • you saw the crime happen to a loved one (or were there immediately afterwards)
  • you paid for the funeral of a person who died.

The injury may not have happened to you but, in the cases above, you will still have suffered a great deal as a result. You deserve to be compensated for how this has negatively impacted your life.

If you believe you were entitled to make a claim through CICA but were rejected, please speak to us. There may be further ways we can help.

How Long Do I Have To Make A Criminal Injury Claim?

You usually have to make your claim within two years of the crime taking place. The crime must also be reported to the police before you apply.

However, claims of this nature can be extremely complex and we take each case on its own merit. If you believe you have claim but have missed the two-year deadline, please contact us. It can be very risky to delay. Please get in touch with us as soon as you can.

Will I Need To Go To Court To Make A Criminal Injury Claim?

We understand how distressing it can be to make a criminal injury claim; you will not be expected to go to court. CICA’s scheme is processed entirely online, using an online form.

In a tiny number of instances, we may disagree with the outcome. In this case, there is a review and then an appeal process - which could result in a hearing before a panel of judges at a tribunal. If this were to occur, our experienced solicitors would support you every step of the way.

However, going to panel is very rare. If we are working on your claim, it is highly likely to be successful without the need to appeal.


How Much Will It Cost To Make A Criminal Injury Claim?

CICA do not award legal costs. In the likely event that you win your case, you will need to pay your solicitor a limited success fee, which is capped at 20% of the compensation you receive from CICA.

If we agree to take on your criminal injury case, we can do so with a No Win, No Fee agreement (also known as a contingency fee agreement). This means that, in the unlikely event that your claim is unsuccessful, it will cost you nothing.

Find Out More About No Win No Fee Claims

Contact Us For Expert Advice

Meet the team

Adrian Cormack

Partner, Head of Personal Injury Department

Jonathan Rich


Lauren Newman


Brian Parsons

Personal Injury Executive

Crispin Cormack

Serious Injury Paralegal

Lucy Andrew

Costs Lawyer

Molly Robinson

Solicitors Apprentice

Rosie Galway

Legal Secretary