Advanced Medical Decisions
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- Advance Medical Decisions
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What Is An Advance Medical Decision/Directive Or Living Will?
Advance Medical Decisions are better known as ‘living wills’. You will also see them referred to as:
- Advance Decisions
- Advance Directives To Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
- Advance (Medical/Healthcare) Directives
- Personal Directives.
An Advance Decision/Directive enables you to specify what actions should be taken on your behalf if you become unable to take decisions for yourself due to illness, old age or life-changing injuries.
At present these important documents are rare. But they are likely to become more common as dementia and other similar conditions become more prevalent in society.

Who Is Most Likely To Need One? Why Do I Need One?
Advance Directives enable you to refuse certain types of medical treatment in advance. They communicate your wishes to doctors and other healthcare professionals if you are unable to do so.
Some people may not wish to have particular types of medical treatment because they are concerned about what their quality of life would be if it were prolonged despite severe injuries. They do not wish to live in an irreversible coma or vegetative state, trapped within their bodies and unable to communicate their wishes.
Typically they could refuse in advance life-sustaining treatments such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if their heart stopped, ventilation to help them breathe or antibiotics to combat infection.
An Advance Directive can be a life-or-death decision so it requires a great deal of thought in consultation with your loved ones.
In drawing up an Advance Directive To Refuse Treatment, you must be very clear about:
- the circumstances in which you would not wish to receive treatment
- the fact that you are prepared to refuse the treatment even through it could lead to your death.
An Advance Decision to refuse one type of medical treatment cannot be used as a way of requesting another form of treatment.
Nor is it a suicide request. You cannot use it as a way of asking for your life to be ended.
How Do Advance Decisions Work? How Do I Create A Living Will?
You must be aged 18 or over to create an Advance Decision. You must have sufficient mental capacity to take decisions about your treatment – and you must be able to communicate those decisions clearly.
You must specify precisely which treatments you wish to refuse.
Your Advance Decision does not have to be in writing but it is much safer if it is written down. You should sign and date it.
If you wish to refuse potentially life-saving treatments then your Advance Decision must be signed and dated by a witness.
The decision must be yours – with no pressure from anyone else to take the course of action that you propose.
Your Advance Decision will be deemed invalid if you have since said or done anything which suggests you have changed your mind.
Do I Still Need An Advance Decision If I Already Have A Power Of Attorney?
Option A under the Health and Welfare Power of Attorney gives you the option to nominate one or more trusted individuals to make all medical decisions on your behalf.
In theory, that includes the right to make life-or-death medical decisions on your behalf. They could refuse certain life-sustaining treatments if they know that is your wish. Doctors and other healthcare professionals must abide by those decisions taken on your behalf.
But in practice some doctors might be understandably reticent to withhold treatment in life-or-death situations simply because of a power of attorney. This would be a rare and extreme scenario for the use of such a document.
So it makes sense to back up your power of attorney with an Advance Decision which is designed specifically for situations such as this. Healthcare professionals would then have two legal documents confirming your wishes.
How Much Does An Advance Directive Cost?
Advance Decisions/Directives are not expensive compared with some other legal documents and certainly not when one considers what an important role they play.
A single Advance Decision for an individual costs £110+VAT. For a couple, the cost of two Advance Decisions is £180+VAT.
How Long Does It Take To Create One?
Not long at all. We can create an Advance Decision for you very quickly. Unlike a power of attorney, they do not have to be registered.
So it’s simply a matter of telling us your wishes, approving the document then signing and dating it. The document must be legally witnessed if you are choosing to refuse life-sustaining treatment.
What Is An Advance Statement? How Does It Differ From An Advance Decision?
An Advance Decision concerns whether or not you would wish to receive certain types of medical treatment – whereas an Advance Statement is about how would like to be cared for, such as:
- whether you would like to receive care in your own home, in a care home or in a hospice
- what you like to eat
- whether you prefer baths or showers
- what kind of clothes you wish to be dressed in
- which types of music and TV programmes you like
- your normal bedtime, whether you like to sleep with a light on
- your faith or other spiritual beliefs and values
- whom your carers should consult about your care
- whom you would like to visit you.
Are Advance Decisions/Directives And Advance Statements Legally Binding?
Advance Decisions/Directives (Living Wills) are legally binding – but only if they comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA).
This legislation helps to protect people who have lost the ability to take decisions for themselves.
It sets out the circumstances under which nominated attorneys (or deputies appointed by the Court of Protection) can take decisions on behalf of people who have lost capacity and when they can’t.
To be legally binding, an Advance Decision must also be valid – it cannot conflict with any other decisions you have made in a power of attorney. It must also apply to the situation or circumstances in question.
Advance Statements are not legally binding.
Can I Change My Mind? How Easily Can Living Wills Be Amended?
Yes, you can change your mind. You can review, amend or tear up your Advance Decision at any time.
Can An Advance Decision Be Changed Without My Approval If I Have Lost Mental Capacity?
No – it can’t be changed by anyone else. The decision is yours alone.
Can I Write A Living Will Without A Solicitor?
Yes but we don’t recommend it. Never forget that you’re dealing with something even more far-reaching than a will or a power of attorney (two of the most important legal documents you will ever sign).
Do not trust your life or future healthcare to a DIY living will.
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What Our Clients Say:
"The team at Coles Miller in Bournemouth have been fantastic from the initial contact with their receptionist, helping and advising us with our wills and purchasing a property. I would definitely recommend!""An excellent company to deal with. We have used them for our house conveyance in May 2018. Also for our Wills and trust to cover the distribution of the house. Not the first time we have used them and we will only use them when we need anything else."

For Anthony Weber, Partner:
“My husband and I used Anthony Weber at Coles Miller Broadstone to make our wills. He offered a very friendly, approachable service over two comprehensive meetings. We received a commentary alongside our draft wills which made the complex legal language easy to understand. We were able to make some changes at the second meeting and have the wills signed and witnessed then and there. I would highly recommend Mr Weber to all my friends and family."

For Jenny Oxly, Associate Solicitor:
“We recently contacted Coles Miller as our wills needed to be reviewed. As a result we received a home visit from Jenny Oxley who discussed our options and provided us with the wills that were best suited to our needs. The process was completed in a most professional manner and on this basis I would have no hesitation in recommending Coles Miller.”

For Ricky Langlois, Solicitor:
“Ricky Langlois was very easy to talk to. He was patient, clear on his explanation and advice, good interpersonal skills. Ricky did not give me any indication that he was in a hurry and took his time in giving me options and explaining issues to me. He made it clear what would be happening next. If I was not retired from my job, I would give him a job! I would also like to mention that the reception staff were very courteous.”
For Kerry Hay, Solicitor:
“I have been introduced to an amazing young solicitor, Kerry Hay, who has skilfully and patiently helped me step-by-step to arrange my final will and power of attorney so that I am totally confident that when my time comes, my son will have absolutely no problems handling my affairs through Coles Miller, Poole.”

For Julie Morgan, Trainee Legal Executive:
"Many, many thanks for your friendly, highly professional and super efficient service 👍

For Shadi Meehan, Trainee Legal Executive:
"I would like to thank you for providing an excellent service in dealing with the updating of our wills and associated trust. We have dealt with Cole Miller on various occasions since 1984 when our local business purchase was dealt with by Ms Myrtle Eburne. Since then Coles Miller has dealt with our various house purchases and, latterly, dealing with our wills and trust. The most recent occasion was when Shadi Meehan took us through the updating of those will and trust. She was understanding of our needs and requirements and the whole matter was completed efficiently and effectively within a couple of weeks so thanks must go to Shadi. We both like the idea that you store our wills and we have advised our family of this. We shall, of course, use Coles Miller for any future business".

For Emma Stagg, Trainee Legal Executive:
"I would like to thank for assisting me with making my will. I found you and all your colleagues very pleasant and helpful. The job was very professional and would recommend you to anyone.".